Real-Time Data for Canadian Businesses

Powerful tools and insights on Canadian business conditions and trends.


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Business Insights Quarterly (Q1 2025)

This edition of Business Insights Quarterly provides a focused analysis of Canadian goods exporters and supply chains amid the escalating trade conflict between Canada and the United States.


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Women Entrepreneurs: Canada’s Biggest Missed Business Opportunity

Entrepreneurship drives innovation, job creation and economic growth. Without these industrious people starting new businesses, Canada is missing a crucial ingredient for breaking free of our decades-long economic malaise. 


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Which Canadian Cities Are Most Exposed to Trump’s Tariffs?

The Canadian Chamber’s Business Data Lab crunches the numbers to assess potential tariff impacts using new localized trade data.



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Canada - U.S. Trade Tracker

Check out the BDL’s new interactive Canada-U.S. Trade Tracker to explore our economic integration and the risks of imposing tariffs.


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The Case for Canada: A Business Data Lab Conference

March 26 & 27, 2025 | Ottawa, ON

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I’m a partner at a Saskatchewan-based private equity firm, and we like to consolidate some of the surveys that give a sense of forward-looking sentiment. I like all the tools, but use the Business Conditions Terminal the most. There’s lots of good information out there, but I find this is one of the better consolidators of economic information for Canada—it’s easy to use and concise. Thanks again for creating the platform and tool.

Jason Moser, CFA, CBV

Senior Director of Investments & Partner


The Canadian Chamber of Commerce has a new tool to democratize data – and it’s pretty good.

David Parkinson,

Globe and Mail


I have appreciated our partnership with the Business Data Lab. Working with them has advanced our monitoring of regional business conditions, giving us access to tools we did not have previously. The BDL is a positive contributor that supports Greater Vancouver businesses to navigate the shifting economic landscape

David van Hemmen,

Greater Vancouver Board of Trade


The Business Data Lab has been a very useful tool for the Halifax Chamber. The data they provide us on business conditions in Halifax allow our Policy team to monitor key local economic trends. These insights help support our Chamber’s advocacy through informed analysis and educate our members on conditions in the region. The team at the BDL are not only very skilled at data management but are very responsive to our requests. We would highly recommend partnering with the BDL.

Kent Roberts,

Halifax Chamber of Commerce


We are grateful for the creation and evolution of Business Data Lab as a critical tool for decision making and calibrating efforts in the private, public and third sectors. The pandemic revealed a significant information gap that was costly to our national economy and every community. Access to timely and relevant data and insights is the way for us to be competitive, ensure inclusivity, grow our economy, and address our biggest challenges.

Sueling Ching,

Ottawa Board of Trade

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